[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVGfRXGkkvY]

Due to YouTube being in “Read Only” mode for routine maintenance, our Demon Hunters Online Game was delayed an hour. Nonetheless it was a success and we had a great time. Brian Lewis, Scott C. Brown, Chris Duppenthaler, Ben Honeycutt, and Jenna McMichael, were joined by guest gamer and Demon Hunters Patron Chris Piazzo in an adventure created and run by DG Game Master Don Early. A big thanks to Mr. Piazzo–it was a pleasure to game with you sir!

Don’t forget about our ongoing contest: Submit your Session Summary of the May 5th game for a chance to win a seat at the table (also retroactive to the first session).

Contest is again as follows:

Each person who submits a summary will be credited on our Adventure Log on our Obsidian Portal campaign site.  Additionally, you may offer any of the following that I MUST use in the following session, within reason:

  • An NPC: name, backstory, whatever you want
  • An item of some significance
  • A location where part of the next mission must take place. (e.g., The men’s bathroom at a carnival; a highrise building in Hong Kong; the cafeteria at a local college campus; etc.)
  • A one-liner, or line of dialogue. Could be a catch phrase. Could be something the villain has to include in its monologue. I’ll work with you on that.

As the GM I always reserve the veto right, however you’ll find that I’m quite collaborative, so I’m sure we can make something work:

Finally, each person who submits a summary will be entered to win a seat at the virtual table. Just you, me, and however many of these lazy DG crapsacks I can track down on a Monday evening. To play, you must have a reliable internet connection, webcam, and ability to make our game time.

Each entry must be a minimum of 400 words.

The deadline for this contest is a week prior to the next recording. In this case, entries must be submitted by Monday, May 26th, 2014. Our next game session will be on Monday, June 2nd at 7pm Pacific. Details and links to come.

Demon Hunters RPG

Scott C. Brown and Andy Dopieralski have their own podcast you totally need to check out called Two-Bards Productions. The Bardcast records every Sunday evening.

Our guest gamer, Chris Piazzo, also has his own podcast, The Pod at thed20.net

Get your own copy of the Demon Hunters RPG @ Paizo.com

Or download it right now @ DriveThruRPG.com